LOVINFIT GROUP SRLC1/193Lovinfit Group nasce nel 2016 per essere lo “One Stop Shop” per sport performance, wellness, antiaging e rehab con tecnologie innovative ,naturali e non invasive. Propone la gamma più completa del mercato e tecnologie proprietarie-brevetti (8 depositati): crioterapia elettrica-azoto e bagno di ghiaccio, camere iperbariche mono e pluriposto (fisse e portatili), allenamento ipossico- training in quota, stimolazione muscolare, lettini a fotobiomodulazione per recupero e antiaging.. e altro ancora.
Lovinfit Group was founded in 2016 to be the 'One Stop Shop' for sports performance, wellness, anti-aging and rehab with innovative, natural and non-invasive technologies. It offers the most complete range on the market and proprietary patented technologies (8 registered): electric-nitrogen cryotherapy and ice bath, single and multi-place hyperbaric chambers(fixed and portable),hypoxic training - training at altitude,muscle stimulation,photobiomodulation beds for recovery and antiaging.and more.